
I originally put together a framework site for purkeypile.com in early 2008. My intent was to provide a place for people to provide content and I'd do little more than run and maintain it. I never devoted much effort after initially setting it up for a variety of reasons. Therefore it never really took off and ended up having a bunch of ads posted instead of content on the family. I didn't think that was really appropriate to have a site for the family that was mostly ads, so I took it down. (I still have all the content if you're interested or want any of it.)

My situation is pretty much the same as it was 4 years ago when I set up the site- I don't have the time to promote this site or gather content. Instead, what I'll do is just post links to things Purkeypile related that people pass along to me. So send me any if you have them. If someone is interested in putting in the time I don't have to a more complete site, please reach out to me. I can help out from the technical end, but not much beyond that.


Matt Purkeypile

mpurkeypile at acm dot org

May 2012


(Looking for my doctoral research on quantum computing instead? Head to the Cove site.)


Links to other sites

LinkDescendants of Christian Purkeypile

Descendants of Christian Purkeypile, with references.

LinkWhat is the origin of Burkepile and what does it mean?

I came across this on the web about the origin of the name.

LinkBook:When the Water Runs

A book about Audrey Purkeypile growing up in Alaska. From the site: "Audrey Purkeypile was born in northern Alaska in 1927 during a remarkable era of Alaskan history. Surrounded by the wondrous beauty of untamed land, Audrey’s parents raised their family alongside the affable Eskimos, daring bush pilots, and rugged trappers and gold miners. They contributed to the development of the Territory of Alaska in their diverse roles as teacher, postmaster, health officer, and reindeer superintendent. In this poignant memoir, author Cheryl Schuermann has captured the delightful stories of her mother’s childhood in When the Water Runs. Audrey’s memories and life lessons learned will provide readers with an inside look at a young girl’s experiences as she grows up with Alaska, America’s last frontier. " Also at: http://www.cherylschuermann.com/

LinkTwilight is Stealing

A book of poetry and memories of growing up in Arkansas by Imogene Latham.